Thanks to generous community financial support, the Clinton Community Hall now has a brand-new roof! The roof was installed in late August 2021 by G&I Roofing Solutions.
The previous roof consisted of three layers of asphalt shingles, installed on top of each other over the past 60 years. In addition to the old shingles reaching the end of their useful life, the multiple layers added a lot of unnecessary weight on top of the building. And a persistent leak, while minor, was a reminder that the roof needed to be dealt with.
In exploring options for a replacement roof, the hall’s board of directors looked into several types of roofing materials and determined that metal panels would provide the best return on investment. With a metal roof, there was no need to install a new under-layer of plywood panels – panels that would have been a considerable expense with the current high prices of lumber. The metal roof will last longer into the future, will require less maintenance, and should be more environmentally-friendly to dispose of through recycling at the end of its life.
Hanson’s Building Supply generously provided the materials for the new roof at cost, and worked with the manufacturer (Champion Metal) for an additional $1,000 discount on the panel costs. G&I Roofing Solutions installed metal roofing on the small shed behind the hall at no additional cost.
And the Clinton community really came through in their financial support to make this project happen!
Over this past summer, 86 individuals, families, foundations and businesses donated $23,200 to help cover the cost of the new roof.
The Old Roof
Installing the New Roof
Thank you again to everyone who helped keep this community resource safe and sound for future generations. A full list of supporters can be found below.
Roof Donors
Platinum Roof Raisers: $1,000 or more
John & Coyla Shepard
Cornelia Devlin (Collins Fisheries)
Dalton Realty
Don and Joan Nelson family
Daryl & Claudia Vander Pol
Larry & Elizabeth McCauley (L&L Properties)
Heritage Bank
Hansons Building Supply
G&I Roofing Solutions
Champion Metal, a Taylor Metal Company
Gold Roof Raisers: $500 to $999
Sue Cocklin Mills
Arlene & William Stebbins
Robert Fink & Lynn Wenzel
Craven Insurance
Sally, Roy & Kenneth Berry
Pickles Deli
Rebecca Foote
Cynthia & James Patereau
Christina & Jim Swan
Sean Wilson & Mike Gerhardt
Thomas & Joan Eckstrom
Kathy & Bob Craven
Madrona Supply Co
Mark & Lisa Williams
Penelope & Terry Bourk
Sheri & Bob Gerhard
Silver Roof Raisers: $100 to $499
Paul Nemechek
Mary Goolsby
Judith & Clay Canfield
Kayla Nelson
Theresa Mitchell
William Stanley
Deborah Colfer
Allan & Sheila Sokolosky
Kim Borgatta
Cynthia Gerdes
Waterman Self-Storage
Island Asphalt & Sitework
Victoria Karno
Mary & Eugene Posz
Charles Terry
Lois Ewing
Jean Singer & Dyanne Sheldon
Joan P. Nelson
Steve & Wanda White
Rochon Fine Art
Dennis White & Charlotte Bell
Joy Moulton
Russell Link
Dean Enell
Lynne & Michael Malecki
Margaret & Stephen Scehovic
Christie Hammond
Debra & Michael Turnbull
Julie O’Brien
Stephen Eldridge
Nicholas Jackman
James & Joanne Hicken
Rodney Clark Goldthorp
Marie Glasse Tapp
Jill Brewster
Venture Out Nursery
Zia Gipson
Sharon Asplund
Island Nosh
Matt’s Import Haven
John Porter
Betsy Hofius
Stephen & Marjorie Burr
South Whidbey Animal Clinic
Gretchen Schlomann
Lynne & Jack Lynch
Michael Clyburn & Dorothy Stahr
Barb Doutt
James Hudson
Sylvia & Rod Roehnelt
Margaret Storer
Marty & Sara Benum
Supporters: up to $99
Virginia Kuehn
Sharon Emerson
Karen Anderson
Anne Victoria Castle
Marian & Wayne Ude
Joy & Sarah Moulton
John Fetrow
Sigrid Salo
Teresa Helm-Remund