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Civic Use Rentals

The mission of the Clinton Community Hall (CCH) is to provide a gathering place for residents of the Clinton and South Whidbey community. One way the Hall intends to fulfill that mission is by offering use of the Hall at discounted rates to local organizations dedicated to community building and improvement.   


Rental fees are a source of revenue needed to pay for utilities, insurance, maintenance and improvements. Each use of the Hall costs in terms of money and time. So while we are able to offer low-cost rates to eligible groups, we do not offer free use of the Hall.


Civic Use Rental Rates
  • Non-revenue use

    • $40 up to 4 hours

    • $80 up to 8 hours

  • Revenue/Fundraising Use

    • $150 up to 8 hours​

Eligible organizations need to apply to this program. Some things to be aware of before applying…

  • Charitable organizations with 501(c)3 status, and non-profits with broad impact to the community are our main focus.

  • Private groups with limited membership access such as homeowners associations are not likely a good fit for civic use rates, but can always rent the hall at our normal rates.

  • Applications are reviewed and approved by the Hall’s Executive Board, based on our criteria for civic use discounts. As such, civic use applications should be submitted at least one month prior to when you would like to first rent the Hall.

  • Anyone who has a last-minute need to use the Hall, or who does not qualify for civic use rates can rent the Hall through our normal rental process and rates, pending availability.

  • Our goals with these rules and guidelines is to ensure equitable, transparent, and sustainable use of the Hall for all who qualify.

Who is eligible for civic use rentals?

Charitable organizations with 501(c)3 status, and non-profits with broad impact to the community are our main focus, and are most likely to be approved. Must be located in Clinton or on South Whidbey, or demonstrate a high-level of impact for our local community.

How long do civic use agreements last?

You only need to apply once. Each year the Hall Board reviews participants for renewal for the following calendar year. This is to ensure that participants remain eligible under the program guidelines, and use the Hall respectfully.

How do rental payments work?
  • For single-use rentals, payments are due at the time a rental agreement is approved.

  • For ongoing/recurring rentals, payments are generally bundled throughout the year.

  • We will invoice for rental fees via email, for online payment (or you can pay by check).

Why can’t our organization use the Hall for free?

It costs money to maintain the Hall in good working order. The board has a fiduciary responsibility to the Hall’s members to ensure the continued viability and use of the hall for future generations. We rely on a combination of membership dues, donations, occasional grants, and rental fees to keep the Hall financially secure. Each use of the hall costs in terms of utilities, maintenance, cleaning and time. Our civic use agreement is meant to offer use of the Hall at lower costs for local nonprofits, but we cannot offer use of the Hall for free.

What happens if I need to change or cancel a rental?
  • Cancellations need to be made three weeks in advance. Any cancellation less than three weeks will lose the payment amount for that date. Cancellations made with at least three weeks notice will be refunded.

  • Date change requests need to be made three weeks in advance, and depend on availability. We would ask that date changes be kept to a minimum to help us reduce overhead for the civic use program.

  • Adding new/additional rental date(s) outside the scope of any existing rental agreement would require a separate rental agreement.

What other rules or fees apply?

Our standard rental terms and conditions apply to civic use agreements, with the following exceptions:

  • Security deposits are not required from civic use renters. However, any damage to the Hall caused by civic use renters will need to be paid. Failure to pay for damage to the Hall may result in cancellation of your civic use agreement. 

  • All renters are responsible for cleaning the hall after use, and for disposing of garbage and recycling. If any additional cleaning is needed as a result of your use of the hall, a fee may be assessed. We do this instead of charging a per-use cleaning fee in order to keep civic use costs down. But it relies on our civic use renters to be responsible in keeping the facility tidy and clean. Failure to pay fees or mistreatment of the hall may result in cancellation of your civic use agreement. 


If you would like to speak with someone before applying, please give us a call or send an email to​

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